
以下是场景:我有一个在 servlet 容器内运行的多线程 Java Web 应用程序.该应用程序在 servlet 容器内多次部署.有多个 servlet 容器在不同的服务器上运行.

Here's the scenario: I have a multi threaded java web application which is running inside a servlet container. The application is deployed multiple times inside the servlet container. There are multiple servlet containers running on different servers.


+- servlet container
   +- application1
   |  +- thread1
   |  +- thread2
   +- application2
      +- thread1
      +- thread2
+- servlet container
   +- application1
   |  +- thread1
   |  +- thread2
   +- application2
      +- thread1
      +- thread2


There is a file inside a network shared directory which all those threads can access. And they do access the file frequently. Most of the time the file is only read by those threads. But sometimes it is written.


  1. 使用 java.nio.channels.FileLock
    我能够使用 FileLock 类同步来自不同服务器的线程.但这不适用于线程在同一个进程(servlet 容器)内,因为文件锁在进程范围内可用.

  1. Using java.nio.channels.FileLock
    I am able to synchronize threads from different servers using the FileLock class. But this does not work for threads inside the same process (servlet container) since file locks are available process wide.


Using a separate file for synchronization
I could create a separate file which indicates that a process is reading from or wrinting to the file. This solution works for all threads but has several drawbacks:

  • 性能.创建、删除和检查文件是相当慢的操作.使用一个同步文件的低权重实现将阻止文件的并行读取.
  • 在需要手动清理的 JVM 崩溃后,同步文件将保留.
  • 我们在删除网络文件系统上的文件时遇到了奇怪的问题.


Using messaging
We could implement a messaging system which the threads would use to coordinate the file access. But this seems too complex for this problem. And again: performance will be poor.




If you only need to write the file rarely, how about writing the file under a temporary name and then using rename to make it "visible" to the readers?

不过,这只适用于 Unix 文件系统.在 Windows 上,您需要处理某些进程打开文件(用于读取)的情况.在这种情况下,重命名将失败.重命名成功后再试.

This only works reliably with Unix file systems, though. On Windows, you will need to handle the case that some process has the file open (for reading). In this case, the rename will fail. Just try again until the rename succeeds.


I suggest to test this thoroughly because you might run into congestion: There are so many read requests that the writer task can't replace the file for a long time.


If that is the case, make the readers check for the temporary file and wait a few moments with the next read until the file vanishes.
