为 NavigableMap 编写同步的线程安全包装器

java.util.Collections 目前提供以下实用方法来为各种集合接口创建 synchronized 包装器:

  • synchronizedCollection(Collection<T>c)
  • synchronizedList(Listlist)
  • synchronizedMap(Mapm)
  • synchronizedSet(Sets)
  • synchronizedSortedMap(SortedMapm)
  • synchronizedSortedSet(SortedSets)

类似地,它也有 6 个 unmodifiedXXX 重载.

Analogously, it also has 6 unmodifiedXXX overloads.

这里明显的遗漏是 的实用方法NavigableMap.extends SortedMap 确实如此,但 SortedSet extends SetSet extends CollectionCollections 也有SortedSetSet 的专用实用方法.大概 NavigableMap 是一个有用的抽象,否则它一开始就不会存在,但它没有实用方法.

The glaring omission here are the utility methods for NavigableMap<K,V>. It's true that it extends SortedMap, but so does SortedSet extends Set, and Set extends Collection, and Collections have dedicated utility methods for SortedSet and Set. Presumably NavigableMap is a useful abstraction, or else it wouldn't have been there in the first place, and yet there are no utility methods for it.


  • Collections 没有为 NavigableMap 提供实用方法有什么具体原因吗?
  • 您将如何为 NavigableMap 编写自己的 synchronized 包装器?
    • 浏览 Collections.java 的 OpenJDK 版本的源代码似乎表明这只是一个机械"过程
      • 是不是一般可以像这样添加synchronized线程安全特性?
      • 如果是这样一个机械过程,能否实现自动化?(Eclipse 插件等)
      • 这种代码重复是必要的,还是可以通过不同的 OOP 设计模式避免?
      • Is there a specific reason why Collections doesn't provide utility methods for NavigableMap?
      • How would you write your own synchronized wrapper for NavigableMap?
        • Glancing at the source code for OpenJDK version of Collections.java seems to suggest that this is just a "mechanical" process
          • Is it true that in general you can add synchronized thread-safetiness feature like this?
          • If it's such a mechanical process, can it be automated? (Eclipse plug-in, etc)
          • Is this code repetition necessary, or could it have been avoided by a different OOP design pattern?





          "They definitely belong there. Their absence is unintentional.
          We should put them in as soon as possible."

          我同意,尽管我们没有一个工程师期待编写(和测试)所有那些令人麻木的转发方法.发布日期:2006-08-21 00:50:41.0

          I agree, even though none of us engineers are looking forward to writing (and testing) all those mind-numbing forwarding methods. Posted Date : 2006-08-21 00:50:41.0


          更新:至于手动实现,你可以考虑劫持java.util包,因为你想扩展static class SynchronizedSortedMap 被声明为包私有.否则它将是大量的代码复制粘贴.下面是开场白:

          Update: as to manually implementing it, you may consider to hijack the java.util package since you would like to extend static class SynchronizedSortedMap<K, V> which is declared package private. Else it's going to be a lot of code copypaste. Here's a kickoff:

          package java.util;
          import java.util.Collections.SynchronizedSortedMap;
          public class NewCollections {
              public static <K, V> NavigableMap<K, V> synchronizedNavigableMap(NavigableMap<K, V> m) {
                  return new SynchronizedNavigableMap<K, V>(m);
              static class SynchronizedNavigableMap<K, V> extends SynchronizedSortedMap<K, V> implements NavigableMap<K, V> {
                  private final NavigableMap<K, V> sm;
                  SynchronizedNavigableMap(NavigableMap<K, V> m) {
                      sm = m;
                  SynchronizedNavigableMap(NavigableMap<K, V> m, Object mutex) {
                      super(m, mutex);
                      sm = m;

          让 IDE 自动生成 NavigableMap 的未实现方法,并以与 SynchronizedSortedMap 相同的方式对它们进行编码.这是一个例子:

          Let the IDE autogenerate the unimplemented methods of NavigableMap and code them the same way as SynchronizedSortedMap does. Here's ONE example:

                  public K ceilingKey(K key) {
                      synchronized (mutex) { return sm.ceilingKey(key); }

          请注意,返回例如 Set 的方法您也需要将其包装在 SynchronizedSet 中.再次,请参阅 SynchronizedMapSynchronizedSortedMap 来源以获得见解:)

          Note that the methods which returns for example Set you'll need to wrap it in SynchronizedSet as well. Again, see the SynchronizedMap and SynchronizedSortedMap sources for insights :)


          I don't expect it to be (able to be) a mechanical process since it involves a lot of factors.
