需要在可以避免的情况下在迭代时手动同步 Synchronized 列表?

我的问题是关于 synchronizedList 方法集合类.

My question is about synchronizedList method Collections Class.

Javadocs 说:

Javadocs say:


List list = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList());
synchronized(list) {
   Iterator i = list.iterator(); // Must be in synchronized block
   while (i.hasNext())

虽然其他方法不需要手动同步.我查看了 Collections 类的源代码并且发现 shyncronization 已经对 add 等所有方法进行了处理

Though manually synchroniziation is not required for other methods. I looked into the source code of Collections class and found shyncronization has already been taken care for all methods like add

public boolean add(E e) {
   synchronized(list) {return c.add(e);}


but not for iterator method. I think iterator method could have also handled synchronization in the same fashion as above method (it would have avoided the extra work i.e manual synchronization for programmers). i am sure there must be some concrete reason behind it but i am missing it?

public Iterator<E> iterator() {
   return c.iterator(); // Must be manually synched by user!


public Iterator<E> iterator() {
   synchronized(list) {
       return c.iterator(); // No need to manually synched by user!



I think iterator method could have also handled synchronization in the same fashion as above method


迭代器无法控制您的代码在调用其上的各个方法之间执行的操作.这才是重点.您的迭代代码将重复调用 hasNext()next(),并且在这些调用期间同步 是可行的但无关紧要 - 重要的是没有其他代码尝试在整个迭代过程中修改列表.

The iterator has no control over what your code does between calls to the individual methods on it. That's the point. Your iteration code will call hasNext() and next() repeatedly, and synchronization during those calls is feasible but irrelevant - what's important is that no other code tries to modify the list across the whole time you're iterating.


t = 0: call iterator()
t = 1: call hasNext()
t = 2: call next()
// Do lots of work with the returned item
t = 10: call hasNext()

迭代器无法在 t=2 结束对 next() 的调用和 t=10 对 hasNext() 的调用之间进行同步.因此,如果另一个线程试图(比如说)在 t=7 时向列表中添加一个项目,那么迭代器是如何阻止它这样做的呢?

The iterator can't synchronize between the end of the call to next() at t=2 and the call to hasNext() at t=10. So if another thread tries to (say) add an item to the list at t=7, how is the iterator meant to stop it from doing so?


This is the overall problem with synchronized collections: each individual operation is synchronized, whereas typically you want a whole chunky operation to be synchronized.
