我正在使用 swagger 来测试我的 rest api,我的实体类的属性之一是一个日期字段,我需要 yyyy-mm-dd 格式的日期,但是 swagger 模型架构将此字段显示为日期-时间而不是日期字段,因此它给出了带有时间和区域的日期.如何将此日期时间转换为日期字段?
I am using swagger to test my rest api, one of the property of my entity class is a date field for which I need the date in yyyy-mm-dd format , but swagger model schema is showing this field as date-time instead of date field, therefore it gives date with time and zone. How can I convert this date-time into date field ?
I have a java entity class TimeEntry.java one of its property is Date, it looks like this.
@ApiModelProperty(required = true)
@JsonFormat(pattern = DATE_FORMAT)
private Date date;
对于这个字段,在 swagger UI 模型架构上,字段日期显示为 "date": "2016-01-08T22:34:22.337Z" 但我需要它作为 "date":"2016-01-08" .
for this field, on the swagger UI model schema, the field date displays as "date": "2016-01-08T22:34:22.337Z" but I need this as "date":"2016-01-08" .
@ApiModelProperty(required = true, dataType="date")
@JsonFormat(pattern = DATE_FORMAT)
private Date date;
2.尝试遵循此代码(覆盖 OverrideConvertor 类),但找不到 swagger-core 1.3 版 mvn 存储库.仅提供 1.5 版本 https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-core/wiki/overriding-models
2.Tried to follow along this code (override OverrideConvertor class) but could not find swagger-core 1.3 version mvn repo. Only available is 1.5 version https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-core/wiki/overriding-models
- 显然,他们从 1.5 版本中删除了 OverrideConvertor 类https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/swagger-swaggersocket/ChiknyHZiP4
的问题(实际上是问题之一)是它真的是一个日期时间,而且招摇正确地检测到它.我确实理解 @JsonFormat
也是一种解决方法——swagger 在类型检测期间不支持该注释.
The problem (one of the problems actually) with java.util.Date
is that it's really a date-time, and swagger correctly detects it as such. I do understand that the @JsonFormat
is a workaround for this as well--swagger does not support that annotation during it's type detection.
You have three options to properly handle date types.
1) 使用 Joda 的 LocalDate
作为数据类型.如果您声明了 private LocalDate date
1) Use Joda's LocalDate
as the datatype. If you declared private LocalDate date
, it would appear correctly.
2) 使用java8的LocalDate
2) Use java8's LocalDate
, same as above.
3) 告诉 swagger 在检测注解中的类型时使用上述任何一种,但保持属性为 java.util.Date
3) Tell swagger to use either of the above when detecting the type in the annotation, but keep the property as type java.util.Date
@ApiModelProperty(required = true, dataType = "org.joda.time.LocalDate")
然后,扫描时,swagger 会将其检测为 date
Then, when scanning, swagger will detect this as a date
formatted string.