未找到接口 java.util.List Rest API Spring boot 的主构造函数或默认构造函数

2022-01-22 00:00:00 postman java spring-boot

我正在将请求正文传递给邮递员的 POST 请求,类似于:

I am passing a request body to a POST request on postman similar to this:


rest 控制器中的 create 方法如下所示.

The create method in the rest controller looks like this.

  public Planet create(@RequestBody Planet data) {
      Planet mars = planetService.create(data.getName(),data.getArtifacts());
      return mars;

Planet 及其所有嵌套对象都有一个默认构造函数,例如:

Planet and all its nested objects have a default constructor such as:

public Planet() {}


However, I am not able to create a new planet object because of lack of a default constructor. Please help!


public class Planet {
private String name;
private List<Artifact> artifacts;

public Planet() {}

public Planet(String name, List<Artifact> artifacts)
this.name = name;
this.artifacts = artifacts;
//setters and getters



public class Artifact() {
private List<Element> elements;
private String typeName;

public Artifact() {}

public Artifact(String typeName, List<Element> elements)
this.typeName = typeName;
this.elements = elements;


public class Element() {
private String name;
private double amount;
private String measurement;

public Element() {}

public Element(String name, double amount, String measurement)



I don't understand what is the issue you are facing, but i can see an error straight away so guessing that is the issue you are facing, i am going to give you a solution.

创建一个与您的 json 数据结构匹配的类,如下所示:

Create a class which matches your json data structure like this :

Class PlanetData {
    private String name;
    private List<Planet> artifacts;

    public PlanetData(String name, List<Planet> artifacts){
        name = name;
        artifacts = artifacts;

    // include rest of getters and setters here.

那么你的控制器应该是这样的.基本上,您需要将 @RequestBody 放入要从请求 JSON 接收的所有参数中.之前您只将 @RequestBody 放入名称参数而不是工件参数,并且由于请求正文只能使用一次,因此您需要一个包装类来使用单个 @RequestBody注释.

Then your controller should look like this. Basically you needed to put @RequestBody to all the parameters you want to recieve from request JSON. Earlier you only put @RequestBody to name parameter not artifact parameter and since Request Body can be consumed only once, so you need a wrapper class to recieve the complete request body using single @RequestBody annotation.

  public String create(@RequestBody PlanetData data) {
      Planet mars = planetService.create(data.getName(),data.getArtifacts());
      return mars.toString();

查看 Planet 类,它还需要一些修改

Edit : Looking at the Planet class, it also needs some modification

public class Planet {
private String typeName; // key in json should match variable name for proper deserialization or you need to use some jackson annotation to map your json key to your variable name.
private List<Element> elements;

public Planet() {}

public Planet(String typeName, List<Element> elements)
this.typeName = typeName;
this.elements = elements;
//setters and getters. Remember to change your setters and getter from name to typeName.



Hope this solves your issue.
