
After some experience with functional languages, I'm starting to use recursion more in Java - But the language seems to have a relatively shallow call stack of about 1000.

Is there a way to make the call stack bigger? Like can I make functions that are millions of calls deep, like in Erlang?

I'm noticing this more and more when I do Project Euler problems.



I guess you could use these parameters

-ss Stacksize to increase the native stack size or

-oss Stacksize to increase the Java stack size,

The default native stack size is 128k, with a minimum value of 1000 bytes. The default java stack size is 400k, with a minimum value of 1000 bytes.


After reading the first comment (Chuck´s), as well as re reading the question and reading another answers, i´d like to clarify that i interpreted the question as just "increase stack size". I didn´t intend to say that you can have infinite stacks, such as in functional programming (a programming paradigm which i´ve only scratched its surface).
