使用 Java 8 流时的新对象实例化


Is there a differnce in using the following contstructs, other than slightly better readability in the latter?

someList.stream().map(item -> new NewClass(item)).collect(Collectors.toList());



一般没有区别.NewClass::new 产生更少的字节码,因为在 lambda 版本中,自动生成的私有方法由 java 编译器从 lambda 主体创建,而 NewClass:new 直接链接到构造函数方法处理.因此,使用方法引用您的类文件大小可能会稍微小一些.但预计不会有显着的性能差异.

Generally there's no difference. NewClass::new produces less bytecode as in lambda version an auto-generated private method is created by java compiler from the lambda body while NewClass:new directly links to the constructor method handle. So using method references you may have slightly less class file size. No significant performance difference is expected though.


Another difference is method resolution procedure. It's not applicable in your particular example, but may be applicable in other code. For example, you have two constructors:

public NewClass(String a) {...}
public NewClass(String a, String b) {...}


And you have some method which accepts functional interface:

public myMethod(Function<String, NewClass> fn) {...}

然后你可以用 lambda 或函数式接口调用它:

Then you can call it both with lambda or functional interface:

myMethod(str -> new NewClass(str));


But suppose that later you add a new method with the same name like this:

public myMethod(BiFunction<String, String, NewClass> fn) {...}

然后方法引用调用将变得不明确并导致编译错误,因为 NewClass::new 现在匹配两个构造函数,而 lambda 仍然明确.

Then method reference call will become ambiguous and will result in compilation error as NewClass::new now matches to both constructors, while lambda is still unambiguous.
