如何交错(合并)两个 Java 8 流?

 流<字符串>a = Stream.of("一", "三", "五");流<字符串>b = Stream.of("二", "四", "六");



我查看了 concat 但正如 javadoc 解释的那样,它只是一个接一个地附加,它不会交错/穿插.

流<字符串>out = Stream.concat(a, b);out.forEach(System.out::println);





如果我收集它们并进行迭代可以做到,但希望有更多的 Java8-y、Streamy :-)





zip 操作的结果是这样的:(不需要的)




公共静态<T>流<T>interleave(Streama,Streamb) {分离器动作){分离器

它尽可能地保留了输入流的特征,这允许进行某些优化(例如对于count()toArray()).此外,即使输入流可能是无序的,它也会添加 ORDERED 以反映交错.


 Stream<String> a = Stream.of("one", "three", "five");
 Stream<String> b = Stream.of("two", "four", "six");

What do I need to do for the output to be the below?

// one
// two
// three
// four
// five
// six

I looked into concat but as the javadoc explains, it just appends one after the other, it does not interleave / intersperse.

Stream<String> out = Stream.concat(a, b);

Creates a lazily concatenated stream whose elements are all the elements of the first stream followed by all the elements of the second stream.

Wrongly gives

 // one
 // three
 // five
 // two
 // four
 // six

Could do it if I collected them and iterated, but was hoping for something more Java8-y, Streamy :-)


I don't want to zip the streams

"zip" operation will take an element from each collection and combine them.

the result of a zip operation would be something like this: (unwanted)

 // onetwo
 // threefour
 // fivesix


I’d use something like this:

public static <T> Stream<T> interleave(Stream<? extends T> a, Stream<? extends T> b) {
    Spliterator<? extends T> spA = a.spliterator(), spB = b.spliterator();
    long s = spA.estimateSize() + spB.estimateSize();
    if(s < 0) s = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    int ch = spA.characteristics() & spB.characteristics()
           & (Spliterator.NONNULL|Spliterator.SIZED);
    ch |= Spliterator.ORDERED;

    return StreamSupport.stream(new Spliterators.AbstractSpliterator<T>(s, ch) {
        Spliterator<? extends T> sp1 = spA, sp2 = spB;

        public boolean tryAdvance(Consumer<? super T> action) {
            Spliterator<? extends T> sp = sp1;
            if(sp.tryAdvance(action)) {
                sp1 = sp2;
                sp2 = sp;
                return true;
            return sp2.tryAdvance(action);
    }, false);

It retains the characteristics of the input streams as far as possible, which allows certain optimizations (e.g. for count()and toArray()). Further, it adds the ORDERED even when the input streams might be unordered, to reflect the interleaving.

When one stream has more elements than the other, the remaining elements will appear at the end.
