Java 8 - 填充 ArrayList

2022-01-22 00:00:00 lambda java-8 java java-stream

有没有更好的方法来填充像这样的 ArrayList(我在 Java 7 中已经这样做了):

Is there a better way to fill an ArrayList like this (I have done it like this in Java 7):

List<ScheduleIntervalContainer> scheduleIntervalContainers = new ArrayList<>();


为了填充一个List,可以使用Stream">Stream.generate(s) 然后使用 limit(maxSize).

To fill a List, it is possible to generate an infinite Stream using Stream.generate(s) and then limit the number of results with limit(maxSize).

例如,要填充 10 个新 ScheduleIntervalContainer 对象的 List:

For example, to fill a List of 10 new ScheduleIntervalContainer objects:

List<ScheduleIntervalContainer> scheduleIntervalContainers = 

generate 方法采用 Supplier:在这种情况下,supplier 是每次创建 ScheduleIntervalContainer 的新实例的方法引用.

The generate method takes a Supplier: in this case, the supplier is a method reference creating new instance of ScheduleIntervalContainer each time.
