Java 8 Stream:groupingBy 与多个收集器

2022-01-22 00:00:00 java-8 java java-stream

我想使用 Java 8 Stream 并按一个分类器分组,但有多个收集器函数.因此,在分组时,例如计算一个字段(或可能是另一个字段)的平均值和总和.

I want to use a Java 8 Stream and Group by one classifier but have multiple Collector functions. So when grouping, for example the average and the sum of one field (or maybe another field) is calculated.


I try to simplify this a bit with an example:

public void test() {
    List<Person> persons = new ArrayList<>();
    persons.add(new Person("Person One", 1, 18));
    persons.add(new Person("Person Two", 1, 20));
    persons.add(new Person("Person Three", 1, 30));
    persons.add(new Person("Person Four", 2, 30));
    persons.add(new Person("Person Five", 2, 29));
    persons.add(new Person("Person Six", 3, 18));

    Map<Integer, Data> result =
            groupingBy(person ->, multiCollector)

class Person {
    String name;
    int group;
    int age;

    // Contructor, getter and setter

class Data {
    long average;
    long sum;

    public Data(long average, long sum) {
        this.average = average;
        this.sum = sum;

    // Getter and setter


The result should be a Map that associates the result of grouping like

1 => Data(average(18, 20, 30), sum(18, 20, 30))
2 => Data(average(30, 29), sum(30, 29))
3 => ....


This works perfectly fine with one function like "Collectors.counting()" but I like to chain more than one (ideally infinite from a List).

List<Collector<Person, ?, ?>>


Is it possible to do something like this?


求和求平均的具体问题,使用collectingAndThen 以及 <代码>summarizingDouble:

For the concrete problem of summing and averaging, use collectingAndThen along with summarizingDouble:

Map<Integer, Data> result =
                        dss -> new Data((long)dss.getAverage(), (long)dss.getSum()))));

对于更一般的问题(收集有关您的 Persons 的各种信息),您可以像这样创建一个复杂的收集器:

For the more generic problem (collect various things about your Persons), you can create a complex collector like this:

// Individual collectors are defined here
List<Collector<Person, ?, ?>> collectors = Arrays.asList(

Collector<Person, List<Object>, List<Object>> complexCollector = Collector.of(
    () ->
    (list, e) -> IntStream.range(0, collectors.size()).forEach(
        i -> ((BiConsumer<Object, Person>) collectors.get(i).accumulator()).accept(list.get(i), e)),
    (l1, l2) -> {
        IntStream.range(0, collectors.size()).forEach(
            i -> l1.set(i, ((BinaryOperator<Object>) collectors.get(i).combiner()).apply(l1.get(i), l2.get(i))));
        return l1;
    list -> {
        IntStream.range(0, collectors.size()).forEach(
            i -> list.set(i, ((Function<Object, Object>)collectors.get(i).finisher()).apply(list.get(i))));
        return list;

Map<Integer, List<Object>> result =
        groupingBy(Person::getGroup, complexCollector)); 

映射值是列表,其中第一个元素是应用第一个收集器的结果,依此类推.您可以使用 Collectors.collectingAndThen(complexCollector, list -> ...) 添加自定义整理器步骤,以将此列表转换为更合适的内容.

Map values are lists where first element is the result of applying the first collector and so on. You can add a custom finisher step using Collectors.collectingAndThen(complexCollector, list -> ...) to convert this list to something more appropriate.
