
2022-01-22 00:00:00 java-8 java java-stream

使用 Java-8,我可以使用 chars<轻松地将 String(或任何 CharSequence)视为 IntStream/code> 或 codePoints 方法.

With Java-8 I can easily treat a String (or any CharSequence) as an IntStream using either the chars or the codePoints method.

IntStream chars = "Hello world.".codePoints();


I can then manipulate the contents of the stream

IntStream stars = chars.map(c -> c == ' ' ? ' ': '*');

我一直在寻找一种整洁的方法来打印结果,但我什至找不到简单的方法.如何将这个 int 流放回可以打印的表单,就像我可以打印 String 一样.

I have been hunting for a tidy way to print the results and I cant even find a simple way. How do I put this stream of ints back into a form that can be printed like I can a String.


From the above stars I hope to print

***** ******


String result = "Hello world."
//.parallel()  // uncomment this line for large strings
  .map(c -> c == ' ' ? ' ': '*')
           StringBuilder::appendCodePoint, StringBuilder::append)

但是,"Hello world.".replaceAll("[^ ]", "*") 更简单.并非所有东西都能从 lambdas 中受益.

But still, "Hello world.".replaceAll("[^ ]", "*") is simpler. Not everything benefits from lambdas.
