在 Java Swing 中取消选择单选按钮

2022-01-21 00:00:00 radio-button java swing

当显示一组 JRadioButtons 时,最初没有选择它们(除非您以编程方式强制执行).即使在用户已经选择了一个按钮之后,我也希望能够将按钮恢复到该状态,即不应选择任何按钮.

When displaying a group of JRadioButtons, initially none of them is selected (unless you programmatically enforce that). I would like to be able to put buttons back into that state even after the user already selected one, i.e., none of the buttons should be selected.

但是,使用通常的嫌疑人并不能提供所需的效果:在每个按钮上调用setSelected(false)"不起作用.有趣的是,当按钮未放入 ButtonGroup 时,它确实起作用 - 不幸的是,后者是 JRadioButtons 互斥所必需的.

However, using the usual suspects doesn't deliver the required effect: calling 'setSelected(false)' on each button doesn't work. Interestingly, it does work when the buttons are not put into a ButtonGroup - unfortunately, the latter is required for JRadioButtons to be mutually exclusive.

另外,使用 setSelected(ButtonModel, boolean) - javax.swing.ButtonGroup 的方法并不能满足我的要求.

Also, using the setSelected(ButtonModel, boolean) - method of javax.swing.ButtonGroup doesn't do what I want.

我编写了一个小程序来演示效果:两个单选按钮和一个 JButton.单击 JButton 应取消选择单选按钮,以便窗口看起来与第一次弹出时完全相同.

I've put together a small program to demonstrate the effect: two radio buttons and a JButton. Clicking the JButton should unselect the radio buttons so that the window looks exactly as it does when it first pops up.

import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.GridLayout;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

 * This class creates two radio buttons and a JButton. Initially, none
 * of the radio buttons is selected. Clicking on the JButton should
 * always return the radio buttons into that initial state, i.e.,
 * should disable both radio buttons.
public class RadioTest implements ActionListener {
    /* create two radio buttons and a group */
    private JRadioButton button1 = new JRadioButton("button1");
    private JRadioButton button2 = new JRadioButton("button2");
    private ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();

    /* clicking this button should unselect both button1 and button2 */
    private JButton unselectRadio = new JButton("Unselect radio buttons.");

    /* In the constructor, set up the group and event listening */
    public RadioTest() {
        /* put the radio buttons in a group so they become mutually
         * exclusive -- without this, unselecting actually works! */

        /* listen to clicks on 'unselectRadio' button */

    /* called when 'unselectRadio' is clicked */
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        /* variant1: disable both buttons directly.
         * ...doesn't work */

        /* variant2: disable the selection via the button group.
         * ...doesn't work either */
        group.setSelected(group.getSelection(), false);

    /* Test: create a JFrame which displays the two radio buttons and
     * the unselect-button */
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        JFrame frame = new JFrame();

        RadioTest test = new RadioTest();

        Container contentPane = frame.getContentPane();
        contentPane.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,1));

        frame.setSize(400, 400);



你可以这样做 buttonGroup.clearSelection().

You can do buttonGroup.clearSelection().

但是这种方法只在 Java 6 之后才可用.

But this method is available only since Java 6.
