
2022-01-21 00:00:00 unit-testing java cdi jax-rs jersey

我正在编写一个 JAX-RS 库(不是应用程序).

I'm writing a JAX-RS library (not an application).


abstract class A {

    private void constructed_a() {} // not invoked

    private Some some;

public abstract class B extends A {

    private void constructed_b() {} // not invoked


public class C extends B {

    private void constructed_c() {} // invoked

我正在使用 jersey 测试框架 v2.17 进行测试

I'm testing with jersey test framework v2.17

我发现只有 constructed_c() 被调用,而祖先中定义的那些方法没有被调用.请注意,在类 A 中使用 @Inject 声明的字段(some) 已正确注入.

I found that only constructed_c() is invoked and those method defined in ancestors are not invoked. Note that the field(some) declared with @Inject in class A is properly injected.


Is this normal? What should I do?


我使用嵌入式 glassfish 进行了测试,发现正如 Antonin Stefanutti 指出的那样,这些回调方法按预期顺序调用.

I tested with embedded-glassfish and found that, as Antonin Stefanutti pointed, those callback methods invoked in order as expected.



根据在目标类上声明的拦截器的调用顺序部分/downloads/interceptors-spec/interceptor-1-2-mrel.pdf" rel="noreferrer">JSR 318 - 拦截器 1.2 规范:

According to section Invocation Order of Interceptors Declared on the Target Class of the JSR 318 - Interceptors 1.2 specification:


Interceptor methods declared on the target class or its superclasses are invoked in the following order:

  • 如果目标类具有超类,则调用在这些超类上定义的任何拦截器方法,首先是最通用的超类.
  • 调用目标类本身的拦截器方法(如果有).


If an interceptor method is overridden by another method (regardless of whether that method is itself an interceptor method), it will not be invoked.

这意味着在编写库/框架时,可以在父类和子类中使用 @PostConstruct 生命周期回调来实现可扩展性.

That means that when writing a library / framework, it is possible to achieve extensibility while using the @PostConstruct lifecyle callback both in the parent class and the child class.

Camel CDI 扩展中使用了该机制,该扩展在 @PostConstruct 生命周期回调声明默认 Camel 上下文/blob/b6f52d91b247e36eefb6f3ecde61016d681d3535/impl/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/cdi/CdiCamelContext.java#L37" rel="noreferrer">https://github.com/astefanutti/camel-cdi/blob/b6f52d91b247e36eefb16f3ecde6/impl/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/cdi/CdiCamelContext.java#L37

That mechanism is used in the Camel CDI extension that declares a default Camel context with a @PostConstruct lifecycle callback in https://github.com/astefanutti/camel-cdi/blob/b6f52d91b247e36eefb6f3ecde61016d681d3535/impl/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/cdi/CdiCamelContext.java#L37

这可以由用户扩展,例如 https://github.com/astefanutti/camel-cdi/blob/b6f52d91b247e36eefb6f3ecde61016d681d3535/envs/se/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/cdi/se/bean/CustomLifecycleCamelContext.java#L37 声明自己的 @PostConstruct 生命周期回调.

And that can be extended by users like in https://github.com/astefanutti/camel-cdi/blob/b6f52d91b247e36eefb6f3ecde61016d681d3535/envs/se/src/main/java/org/apache/camel/cdi/se/bean/CustomLifecycleCamelContext.java#L37 that declares its own @PostConstruct lifecycle callback.


Both being called by the container following the specified order.

这意味着从设计的角度来看,您的方法是正确的.但是,由于 Jersey 依赖注入基于 HK2 而不是 CDI,并且依赖于 jersey-gf-cdi 之类的桥接器,因此该级别可能存在问题.

That means that your approach is correct from the design standpoint. However, as Jersey dependency injection is based on HK2 and not CDI and relies on bridges like jersey-gf-cdi there might be an issue at that level.
