如何让 Jersey 使用 SLF4J 而不是 JUL?

2022-01-21 00:00:00 logging java log4j jersey slf4j

我发现一篇有用的文章 这解释了如何让 Jersey 使用 SLF4J 而不是 JUL.现在我的单元测试看起来像(并且效果很好):

I've found a useful article that explains how to make Jersey to use SLF4J instead of JUL. Now my unit test looks like (and it works perfectly):

public class FooTest extends JerseyTest {
  public static void initLogger() {
    java.util.logging.Logger rootLogger =
    java.util.logging.Handler[] handlers = rootLogger.getHandlers();
    for (int i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) {
  public FooTest() {
  public void testSomething() throws Exception {
    // ...

我的 pom.xml 包括这些依赖项:

My pom.xml includes these dependencies:



It works perfectly, but I don't want to make the same configuration in every unit test. It's an obvious code duplication, which I would like to avoid. How can I do this more effectively?


ps. Maybe it's not possible to optimize the code above and I'm doing the best I can?


最好的方法是通过自定义 监听器.在 JSF servlet 之前初始化它应该在 contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent).

The best way to do it is through a custom Listener. Being initialized before JSF servlet it should configure jul-to-slf4j bridge in contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent).
