Jersey JAX-RS + Spring 安全应用示例


Does anyone have a sample application about what is described on this answer?

Jersey REST 服务上的用户身份验证



  • 第 1 步.在您的球衣应用程序中插入一个过滤器(请参阅 Jersey DOCS 如何拦截请求).
  • 第 2 步.要求客户端应用程序在 Header 中传递用户凭据,以便您在 Jersey 服务过滤器中获取它们.
  • 第 3 步.获取标头值并要求您的数据库验证它们.
  • 第 4 步.一旦验证使用安全上下文来存储原则(用户).
  • 第 5 步.使用存储的安全上下文来验证您的 Jersey 服务子资源.
  • Step 1. Insert a Filter(See Jersey DOCS how to intercept request) in your jersey Application.
  • Step 2. Ask client application to pass user credentials in Header, So that you fetch them in Jersey Service Filter.
  • Step 3. Fetch the header values and ask your DB to validate them.
  • Step 4. Once validated use Security Context to store the principle(User).
  • Step 5. Use stored Security Context to validate your Jersey Service sub-resource.


Follow my steps and you will achieve your answer.
