仅当依赖项组装到一个 jar 中时才会抛出 Jersey 异常

2022-01-21 00:00:00 java jar maven jersey executable-jar

我正在编写一个嵌入 Jetty w/Jersey 的服务器.当我从 Eclipse 执行时,一切都很好.但是,如果我使用 Maven 的 assembly:single 目标将我的服务器和所有依赖项组装到一个 jar 中,我会得到一个异常:

I'm writing a server that embeds Jetty w/ Jersey. When I execute from Eclipse, everything is great. However, if I assemble my server and all dependencies into a single jar using Maven's assembly:single goal, I get an exception:

Sep 26, 2012 5:35:59 PM com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerResponse write
SEVERE: A message body writer for Java class com.acme.server.webservice.
exception.WebServiceFailure, and Java type class com.acme.server.webserv
ice.exception.WebServiceFailure, and MIME media type application/json was not fo
Sep 26, 2012 5:35:59 PM com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerResponse write
SEVERE: The registered message body writers compatible with the MIME media type
*/* ->

17:35:59.372 [qtp184245201-22 - /] ERROR o.a.h.ReflectorServletProcessor - onReq
javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException: com.sun.jersey.api.MessageException: A mess
age body writer for Java class com.acme.server.webservice.exception.WebS
erviceFailure, and Java type class com.acme.server.webservice.exception.
WebServiceFailure, and MIME media type application/json was not found
        at com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerResponse.write(ContainerRespons
e.java:285) ~[vma-server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar:na]
        at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.application.WebApplicationImpl._handleRequ
est(WebApplicationImpl.java:1457) ~[server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependenc



The full trace is here, if it's useful: https://gist.github.com/3790817

Maven 在创建 jar-with-dependencies 时不会抛出任何错误.

Maven throws no errors while creating the jar-with-dependencies.

我是 Maven 和 Java 部署的新手,我真的不知道如何进行调试.

I'm a novice with Maven and deployment of Java, and I'm really not sure how to proceed with debugging.

另外,虽然我需要解决这个问题,但我也很感激任何建议的解决方法,因为我需要尽快生成我的服务器的可执行演示,尖头 Boss (tm) 可以在没有 Eclipse 的情况下执行.

Also, while I need to solve this issue I'd also appreciate any suggested work-arounds as I need to produce an executable demo of my server ASAP that a Pointy-Haired Boss (tm) can execute without Eclipse.


根据 Pavel 的回答,我放弃了 maven-assemly-plugin,转而使用 maven-shade-plugin.这是对我有用的阴影配置:

Based on Pavel's answer, I dropped the maven-assemly-plugin in favor of maven-shade-plugin. Here's the shade configuration that worked for me:

                        <!--  use transformer to handle merge of META-INF/services - see http://java.net/jira/browse/JERSEY-440?focusedCommentId=14822&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels%3Acomment-tabpanel#action_14822 -->
                                implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer" />
                            <!--  filter to address "Invalid signature file" issue - see http://stackoverflow.com/a/6743609/589215-->


你没有正确合并 Jersey jars.

You are not merging Jersey jars correctly.

Jersey 1.x 使用 META-INF/services 机制来发现其组件和程序集:single 可能只是将所有内容复制到单个 jar 中,覆盖已经存在的文件但 META-INF/services 文件需要连接.

Jersey 1.x uses META-INF/services mechanism to discover its components and assembly:single probably just copies everything into single jar, overriding already present files BUT META-INF/services file(s) needs to be CONCATENATED.

尝试使用 jersey-bundle (com.sun.jersey:jersey-bundle:1.14)或修复你的程序集设置(或找到另一个插件来做得更好).

Try using jersey-bundle (com.sun.jersey:jersey-bundle:1.14) or fix your assembly settings (or find another plugin to do it better).
