REST Web 服务返回 415 - 不支持的媒体类型

2022-01-21 00:00:00 json rest java jax-rs jersey

我使用 jax-rs 和 jersey 创建了一个 REST Web 服务,它应该在 POST 请求上使用 JSON.我的网络服务类如下所示:

I've created a REST webservice using jax-rs and jersey that is supposed to consume JSON on a POST request. My web service class looks like this:

public class Webhook {

    public Response readData (Song song) {

        // Prints out the song info
        System.out.println("SONG INFO 
        System.out.println("songname: " + song.getSongname());
        System.out.println("artist: " + song.getArtist());

        // Repsonse with a HTTP 200 OK
        Response response = Response.status(200).build();
        return response;




public class Song {

    private String songname;
    private String artist;

    public String getSongname () { return this.songname; }
    public String getArtist () { return this.artist; }

    public void setSongname (String songname) { this.songname = songname; }
    public void setArtist (String artist) { this.artist = artist; }


我的 web.xml(如果需要)

My web.xml (if needed)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns:xsi=""
    id="WebApp_ID" version="3.0">




我正在使用 RESTClient 一点,好吧,休息客户端...这是我的截图发送:

I'm using RESTClient a little, well, rest client... Here's a screenshot of what I'm sending:

当我发送它时,我收到 415 Unsupported Media Type 错误.有人知道为什么吗?

When I send that off, I get the 415 Unsupported Media Type error. Anybody have an idea why?


需要发送request-header Content-Type: application/json.似乎 REST-Client 不会为您自动添加此标头.

You need to send the request-header Content-Type: application/json. Seems like REST-Client does not add this header automatically for you.
