jersey web 服务 json utf-8 编码

2022-01-21 00:00:00 character-encoding java jersey

我使用 Jersey 1.11 制作了一个小型 Rest web 服务.当我调用返回 Json 的 url 时,非英文字符的字符编码存在问题.Xml 的对应 url ("test.xml" 使其在起始 xml-tag 中为 utf-8.

I made a small Rest webservice using Jersey 1.11. When i call the url that returns Json, there are problems with the character encoding for non english characters. The corresponding url for Xml ("test.xml" makes it utf-8 in the starting xml-tag.

如何让 url "test.json" 返回 utf-8 编码的响应?

How can I make the url "test.json" return utf-8 encoded response?


public class RestTest {   
    private MyDao myDao;

    @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML )
    public List<Profile> getProfiles() {    
        return myDao.getProfilesForWeb();

    public List<Profile> getProfilesAsJson() {
        return myDao.getProfilesForWeb();

这是服务使用的 pojo:

This is the pojo that the service uses:

package se.kc.mimee.profile.model;

public class Profile {
    public int id;
    public String name;

    public Profile(int id, String name) { = id; = name;

    public Profile() {}



默认情况下,Jersey 应该始终生成 utf-8,听起来问题是您的客户端没有正确解释它(xml 声明不会使" 它是 utf-8,只是告诉客户端如何解析它).

Jersey should always produce utf-8 by default, sounds like the problem is that your client isn't interpreting it correctly (the xml declaration doesn't "make" it utf-8, just tells the client how to parse it).


What client are you seeing these problems with?

有效的 JSON 应该只是 Unicode (utf-8/16/32);解析器应该能够自动检测到编码(当然有些不会),所以 JSON 中没有编码声明.

Valid JSON is only supposed to be Unicode (utf-8/16/32); parsers should be able to detect the encoding automatically (of course, some don't), so there is no encoding declaration in JSON.

您可以像这样将它添加到 Content-Type 中:

You can add it to the Content-Type like so:

@Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON + ";charset=utf-8")
