
2022-01-21 00:00:00 multithreading queue concurrency java

I need a queue that can be processed by multiple readers.

The readers will dequeue an element and send it to a REST service.

What's important to note are:

  • Each reader should be dequeueing different elements. If the queue has elements A, B & C, Thread 1 should dequeue A and Thread 2 should dequeue B in concurrent fashion. And so forth until there's nothing in the queue.
  • I understand that it is CPU intensive to always run in busy loop, peeking into the queue for items. So I am not sure if a Blocking queue is a good option.

What are my options?


ConcurrentLinkedQueue or LinkedBlockingQueue are two options that immediately come to mind, depending on whether you want blocking behavior or not.

As Adamski notes, the take() method of the LinkedBlockingQueue does not needlessly burn cpu cycles while waiting for data to arrive.
