Jersey/* servlet 映射导致静态资源的 404 错误

2022-01-21 00:00:00 java jersey

如果我在 2.0 版本中将 Jersey 的 url 模式映射到/*,它会导致所有静态资源(例如/index.html)出现 404.我的 web.xml 有:

If I map Jersey's url-pattern to /* in the 2.0 release it causes 404 for all static resources (e.g. /index.html). My web.xml has:


如何提供具有相同 url 模式的静态内容?

How do I serve static content with same url pattern?


使用 Jersey 1.x,如果您从 Jersey servlet 切换到过滤器,您应该能够从同一路径提供静态内容.删除您指定的 servlet XML 并将其切换到:

With Jersey 1.x you should be able to serve static content from the same path if you switch from the Jersey servlet to the filter. Drop the servlet XML you've specified and switch it to:

  <filter-name>Jersey Filter</filter-name>
  <filter-name>Jersey Filter</filter-name>

在 Jersey 2.x 中,您应该能够做同样的事情,但属性名称已更改.尝试类似:

In Jersey 2.x you should be able to do the same thing but the names of the properties have been changed. Try something like:

  <filter-name>Jersey Filter</filter-name>
  <filter-name>Jersey Filter</filter-name>

您的 POM 应包括:

And your POM should include:



<!-- see. for latest version -->

如果您想提供 css、jsp 等服务,则必须在 init-param 中自定义正则表达式.

You'll have to customize the regular expression in the init-param if you want to serve css, jsp, etc.


Another good option is to use a versioned path for your services ("/v1/*") and then static content will work without the filter.
