为 4.70 或 5.0 组件配置 Blackberry Eclipse 插件
我正在寻求有关配置 Blackberry 开发环境的帮助.事实上,这是一个非常令人沮丧的过程.黑莓网站非常没用.在已移动的链接、假设的细节和过时的文档之间,事实证明,使用黑莓开发很难找到任何地方.
I am looking for help in configuring the Blackberry development environment. In fact, it is quite a frustrating process. The blackberry site is pretty useless. Between links that have been moved, details that are assumed and documents that are out of date it is proving very difficult to get anywhere with blackberry development.
Pheww, now that my rant is done. Here is my problem:
我终于让 JDE for Eclipse 工作了(这本身就是一个故事).但是,我的黑莓工作区只给了我针对 4.5 JDE 组件的选项.如何更新它以使用 4.7 组件?
I have finally got the JDE for Eclipse working (that is a story in itself). However, my blackberry workspace is only giving me the option of targeting the 4.5 JDE components. How do I update it to use the 4.7 components?
It would be preferable to have step-by-step instructions but I would appreciate any help that can be provided.
我有 Java jdk1.6.0_14
I have Java jdk1.6.0_14
Eclipse 版本 3.4.1
Eclipse version 3.4.1
我已经安装了 Blackberry JDE 4.7
I have installed the Blackberry JDE 4.7
我已经安装了 Blackberry JDE Component Package 4.7
I have installed the Blackberry JDE Component Package 4.7
我已经安装了黑莓智能手机模拟器 4.7
I have installed the Blackberry Smartphone simulators 4.7
完全同意 - 完全不知道该怎么做.我从来没有使用过他们的更新站点,所以我只是手动下载并安装组件包:
Totally agreed - it's not at all obvious what to do. I've never had luck using their update site, so I just download and install the component packs manually:
- 从 BlackBerry 开发人员专区下载BlackBerry JDE v4.7 组件包的 Eclipse 软件更新"(它是一个 zip 文件)
- 从 Eclipse 打开帮助菜单并选择软件更新
- 点击可用软件标签
- 点击添加网站
- 选择存档并选择您的 zip 文件
- 确保检查 JDE 4.7 树下的所有内容
- 点击安装并继续完成向导