
2022-01-20 00:00:00 algorithm logic conditional java median

Given 是一个由三个数值组成的数组,我想知道这三个数值的中间值.

Given is an array of three numeric values and I'd like to know the middle value of the three.


The question is, what is the fastest way of finding the middle of the three?

我的方法是这种模式 - 因为有三个数字,所以有六个排列:

My approach is this kind of pattern - as there are three numbers there are six permutations:

if (array[randomIndexA] >= array[randomIndexB] &&
    array[randomIndexB] >= array[randomIndexC])


It would be really nice, if someone could help me out finding a more elegant and faster way of doing this.



If you are looking for the most efficient solution, I would imagine that it is something like this:

if (array[randomIndexA] > array[randomIndexB]) {
  if (array[randomIndexB] > array[randomIndexC]) {
    return "b is the middle value";
  } else if (array[randomIndexA] > array[randomIndexC]) {
    return "c is the middle value";
  } else {
    return "a is the middle value";
} else {
  if (array[randomIndexA] > array[randomIndexC]) {
    return "a is the middle value";
  } else if (array[randomIndexB] > array[randomIndexC]) {
    return "c is the middle value";
  } else {
    return "b is the middle value";


This approach requires at least two and at most three comparisons. It deliberately ignores the possibility of two values being equal (as did your question): if this is important, the approach can be extended to check this also.
