Java ACM 包

2022-01-20 00:00:00 ide java eclipse acm-java-libraries

我正在尝试在 Eclipse 中编写一个 java 应用程序.

I'm trying to write a java application in Eclipse.

我真的很想使用 ACM.Program 包,但是,我的 Eclipse 副本没有安装它!

I'm really wanting to use the ACM.Program package, however, my copy of Eclipse doesn't have it installed!

我在网上找遍了,我找不到 ACM 包的单个下载.

I've looked all over the net, and I can't find a single download for the ACM package.


More info: Whenever I try the code:

package helloGeiodo;
import acm.program.*;

public class Add2 extends Program {

   public void run() {
      println("This program adds two numbers.");
      int n1 = readInt("Enter n1: ");
      int n2 = readInt("Enter n2: ");
      int total = n1 + n2;
      println("The total is " + total + ".");


我在 ying-yang 上下都有错误,都暗示没有acm.program"这样的东西.

I get errors up and down the ying-yang, all implying that there is no such thing as "acm.program".

无论如何,我需要知道在哪里可以找到 ACM 包,以及如何安装它.

Anyways, I need to know where to find the ACM package, and, how to install it.




您可以从 acm.jar"nofollow">ACM Java 工作组 然后 将它添加到你的类路径.

You can download acm.jar from the ACM Java Task Force and then add it to your classpath.

看来之前的链接已经失效了.这些文件仍然可以在 Eric Roberts 的斯坦福页面上找到.

It appears that the previous link is dead. The files are still available at Eric Roberts' Stanford page.
