Netbeans IDE 项目窗口中的跟踪文件

2022-01-20 00:00:00 ide netbeans eclipse

刚刚开始使用 NetBeans 8.0.2.想知道 IDE 是否具有与 Eclipse 或 Visual Studio 类似的功能

Just getting hands on with NetBeans 8.0.2. Wondering if the IDE has similar features as Eclipse or Visual Studio like

  1. 在项目资源管理器中跟踪当前文件 - 处理大型项目时,打开大量文件,如果我想在项目窗口中导航到当前文件,会变得很困难.

  1. Track current file in Projects explorer - When working with large projects, with lots of files open, if I want to navigate to current file in projects window it is getting difficult.


On top of it, the project explorer is showing the folders/files in a case sensitive manner resulting difficult to locate the exact file/folder.


Is there a settings or two to control this behavior?



使用选项视图 -> 带视图的同步编辑器"在项目窗口的编辑器中自动选择当前文件.

use the option "View -> Synchronized Editor with views" to automatically select the current file in the editor in the project window.

或者(我更喜欢)使用Navigate -> Select in Projects"在项目窗口中手动选择当前编辑器文件.

Alternatively (what I prefer) use "Navigate -> Select in Projects" to manually select the current editor file in the project window .

您可以在手册中找到有关在 IDE 中导航的更多信息:

You can find more information about navigating in the IDE in the manual:

关于第二部分:Java 区分大小写.MyClassMyCLASS 不同,因此它必须将文件名视为区分大小写.

Regarding the second part: Java is case sensitive. MyClass is something different than MyCLASS so it has to treat the file names as case sensitive.
