Visual Studio 中 Eclipse 的 ALT+UP/DOWN(移动线)的等价物是什么?

在 Eclipse 中,选择一条线并按 Alt + / 将上下移动该线,快捷方式以避免复制和粘贴.Visual Studio 中是否有等价物?

In Eclipse, selecting a line and pressing Alt + / will move the line up and down, a quick way to avoid copy&paste. Is there an equivalent in Visual Studio?


在 Visual Studio 2013 及更高版本中,此功能已内置.ALT + UP/DOWN 将向上或向下移动一行.

In Visual Studio 2013 and later, this functionality is built in. ALT + UP/DOWN will move a line up or down.

如果您在 VS2012 中需要此功能(也适用于 VS2010),请查看 MoveLine Visual Studio 扩展 或 生产力工具套件.

If you need this functionality in VS2012 (works with VS2010 too), take a look at the MoveLine Visual Studio Extension or the Productivity Power Tools suite.
