Swing 的 IDE

2022-01-20 00:00:00 ide java swing

是否有任何 IDE 可以简化创建 Swing 应用程序(理想情况下类似于 Visual Studio)

Is there any IDE that simplifies creating Swing applications (ideally something along the lines of Visual Studio)


就像其他人提到的,NetBeans 的可视化编辑器非常好,但它很大程度上基于 Swing 应用程序框架,所以你需要了解它是如何正确使用它的(尽管你不需要深入研究来测试东西).

Like others have mentioned, NetBeans' visual editor is pretty good, but it's based pretty heavily on the Swing Application Framework, so you'd need to get an understanding of how it works to properly use it (although you don't need to dig in to just test things).


  • IntelliJ IDEA 可视化编辑器(功能的 Flash 演示)
  • 和 Eclipse 的 可视化编辑器
  • the IntelliJ IDEA visual editor (flash demo of the features)
  • and Eclipse's Visual Editor

我个人使用过 NetBeans 和 IDEA 的可视化编辑器.两者都很好,但我认为 NetBeans 有优势,因为它不使用任何专有的方式来保存 GUI 结构,而是做一些类似于 Visual Studio 所做的事情——自动生成代码,然后你可以添加到.IDEA 将信息存储在一个单独的文件中,这意味着您以后必须使用 IDEA 来直观地编辑布局.

Personally I've used NetBeans' and IDEA's visual editors. Both are nice, but I thought NetBeans had a leg up, because it doesn't use any proprietary way of saving the GUI structure and instead does something similar to what Visual Studio does - auto-generating the code that you can then add to. IDEA stores the information in a separate file which means you have to use IDEA to edit the layout visually later.

我没有使用过 Eclipse 的可视化编辑器.

I have not used Eclipse's Visual Editor.

我投票支持 NetBeans 的可视化编辑器.我认为它满足了大多数人在可视化编辑器中寻找的东西,并使其足够灵活,可以通过代码手动堵塞漏洞而不影响可视化编辑器(因此您可以在代码和设计视图之间来回切换而不会破坏任何一个).

My vote is for NetBeans' visual editor. I think it satisfies what most people are looking for in a visual editor and leaves it flexible enough to plug the holes manually through code without affecting the visual editor (so you can switch back and forth between code and design views without breaking either).
