什么是 Perl 的良好开发环境?

2022-01-20 00:00:00 ide perl eclipse

我使用 PHP 或 Java 开发应用程序,并将第一次学习 Perl.

I develop applications using PHP or Java and will study Perl for the first time.


For PHP and Java, there are integrated development environments such as Eclipse, and debugging environment was regulated well, but, in the case of Perl, what kind of development environment do people use?

有推荐的 IDE 吗?

Is there a recommended IDE?


I would prefer a free debugging environment.


正如思南所说,有一些 Perl 的 IDE.Padre 值得一提.Perl 社区正在积极开发它.

As Sinan stated, there are some IDEs for Perl. Padre is worth a mention. It is being actively developed by the Perl community.
