2020 年 11 月 1 日/“帐户保留":是否必须向“帐户保留"用户显示说明性消息?

这里提到这里 需要在 2020 年 11 月 1 日之前妥善管理帐户保留"状态.

It is mentioned here that a proper management of the 'Account Hold' status is required by November 1st, 2020.

文档说这里:当用户进入帐户保留,您应该利用实时开发人员通知来通知您的用户为什么暂停访问订阅.在您的应用程序中,您应该提供一条消息,说明如何修复他们的付款方式并重新获得对订阅的访问权限.您的消息应包含指向 Google Play 订阅设置的链接,以便他们修复付款方式."

The doc says here : "When a user enters into account hold, you should leverage Real-time developer notifications to inform your user why access to the subscription was suspended. Within your app, you should provide a message with instructions on how to fix their payment method and regain access to the subscription. Your message should include a link to the Google Play subscription settings so that they can fix their payment method. "

问题是文档还说 here 这是不可能的如果我们不使用后端服务器(+ RTDN 和 PubSub),则区分 3 条法规暂停"暂停"过期"

The problem is that the doc also says here that it is not possible to differentiate the 3 statutes 'On Hold' 'Paused' 'Expired' if we use no backend server (+ RTDN and PubSub)

由于我们真的不想使用后端服务器和 RTDN,我们想知道:

As we would really prefer not using backend server and RTDN, we wonder:

  1. 是否真的需要向用户显示一条消息,通知他/她订阅是帐户保留?
  2. 如果对 1) 的回答为是",我们是否必须针对帐户保留"状态显示特定消息,或者我们是否可以显示包含 3 个法规保留"暂停"已过期"的消息?(这样我们就可以避免使用后端服务器+RTDN)
  3. 我们是否必须仅在用户启动应用时才向用户显示消息,还是必须推送通知?




不,不需要在应用内显示有关用户处于帐户保留"状态的消息.如果您的应用没有使用 RTDN 的后端服务器,BillingClient.queryPurchases() 仍将返回用户的所有活动订阅.因此,如果用户的订阅处于帐户保留"状态,则订阅不会作为 BillingClient.queryPurchases()

No, it's not required to display a message in-app about the user being in the 'account hold' state. If your app doesn't have a backend server that utilizes RTDN, BillingClient.queryPurchases() will still return all the active subscriptions for the user. So if an user's subscription was in the 'account hold' state, the subscription would not return as part of BillingClient.queryPurchases()

我们建议使用 RTDN,因为它可以让您的应用通知用户为什么他们的订阅处于帐户保留"状态,但我们也了解并非所有开发人员都有足够的带宽来为此构建自己的后端服务器目的.

We recommend utilizing RTDN because it could allow your app to inform users why their subscription is in the 'account hold' state, but we also understand that not all developers have the bandwidth to also build out their own backend server just for this purpose.
