Android Market - 上传 APK 文件时出错

2022-01-20 00:00:00 android google-play java apk


Just now I have developed an application and now I am ready to upload it to Android market, but when I am trying to upload, it shows the following error message:

Market 不接受使用调试证书签名的 apk.创建一个有效期至少为 50 年的新证书.市场要求用于签署 apk 的证书至少在 2033 年 10 月 22 日之前有效.创建一个新证书.

Market does not accept apk signed with the debug certificate. Create a new certificate that is valid for atleast 50 years. Market requires that the certificated used to sign the apk be Valid until at least October 22, 2033. Create a new Certificate.

现在我该如何解决这个问题,以便我可以成功地将 APK 文件上传到 Android 市场?

Now how do I fix this problem, so that I can upload the APK file to Android market successfully?



While developing and testing, you can compile in debug mode(debug certificate).

当您的应用程序准备好发布时,您必须在发布模式下编译,然后使用您的私钥签署 .apk.

When your application is ready for release, you must compile in release mode and then sign the .apk with your private key.

