如何在模拟器上为所有 api 安装 android market

2022-01-20 00:00:00 emulation android google-play java

如何在 android 模拟器上安装 android market 和其他 apk.我尝试了一些解决方案,但它们似乎不起作用,或者不清楚.

How can I install android market and other apk's on the android emulator. I tried some solutions, but they don't seem to work, or are unclear.



As the person above says, it is not available, but you could extract the apk from the file explorer.

我用这个方法在api 4和8上安装market:

I used this method to install market on api 4 and 8:

如果您使用的是 Windows,请将/"更改为",然后键入android"而不是./android"

If you are using windows, change the "/" to "" and just type "android" instead of "./android"

1) go to android sdk path and create a new machine:
    * type this in terminal:
        cd "/home/<username>/.eclipse/android-sdk/tools"
    * then this  
    * then click on Tools -> Manage AVDs...
    * create a new machine

2) start the machine and set the partition size
    * go to this path:
        cd "/home/<username>/.eclipse/android-sdk/tools"
    * open the machine (keep the terminal open)
        ./emulator @<machine name> -partition-size 96

3) modify some files, root and install apps
    * go to this path:
        cd "/home/<username>/.eclipse/android-sdk/platform-tools"
    * pull the 'build.prop' file in the platform-tools folder
        ./adb pull /system/build.prop
    * remove this line: 'ro.config.nocheckin=yes' and save
    * mount the partition to that we can write to it
        ./adb remount
    * replace the edited file
        ./adb push build.prop /system/build.prop
    * install the apps
        ./adb install "/home/<username>/Emulator files/GoogleServicesFramework.apk"
        ./adb install "/home/<username>/Emulator files/Gmail.apk"
        ./adb install "/home/<username>/Emulator files/Vending.apk"

4) root the phone
    * go to this path:
        cd "/home/<username>/.eclipse/android-sdk/platform-tools"   
    * mout system files
        ./adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock03 /system 
    * put script for su in system
        ./adb push "/home/<username>/Emulator files/su" /system/xbin/su
    * make system folder writeble
        ./adb shell chmod 06755 /system
        ./adb shell chmod 06755 /system/xbin/su
    * install super user app to manage permissions
        ./adb install superuser.apk 

5) if apps are not showing in the market:
    * go to applications -> manage applications in the emulator
    * click on google services framework -> force stop and delete cache 
    * click on market -> force stop and delete data + cache
    * restart device
