布尔值和 == vs =

2022-01-19 00:00:00 boolean java


The language is Java. Given this:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Boolean b1 = true;
    Boolean b2 = true;
    int i1 = 1;

    if (b1 = true) //line 5
    if (b1 == true}  // line 6

我知道 b1 == true 是一个等效的测试,它会给出结果:真或假.但是,对于 b1 = true ,据我了解是一个声明,除了在这种情况下,它应该什么都不返回: b1 = true 返回 true,与 == 测试?

I understand that b1 == true is a equivalent test , which will give the result : true OR false. However, with b1 = true , which to my understanding is a declaration, which should return nothing but in this case : b1 = true returns true, exactly the same as == test?


Can you explain why? Thanks!


if (identifier = literal) 计算结果为:

identifier = literal;  
if (identifier)


first you assign the literal to the identifier. then you test it post assignment
