
2022-01-19 00:00:00 boolean java

有关于 Java 中的 Integerint 的讨论.前者的默认值为null,而后者的默认值为0.Boolean vs boolean 怎么样?

There are discussions around Integer vs int in Java. The default value of the former is null while in the latter it's 0. How about Boolean vs boolean?

我的应用程序中的变量可以有 0/1 值.我想使用 boolean/Boolean 而不想使用 int.我可以改用 Boolean/boolean 吗?

A variable in my application can have 0/1 values. I would like to use boolean/Boolean and prefer not to use int. Can I use Boolean/boolean instead?


是你可以使用 Boolean/boolean 代替.

Yes you can use Boolean/boolean instead.


First one is Object and second one is primitive type.

  • 第一个,你会得到更多有用的方法.

  • On first one, you will get more methods which will be useful.

考虑到内存开销,第二个很便宜 第二个会节省更多内存,所以去吧

