
2022-01-19 00:00:00 boolean java hashcode


The hashCode() method of class Boolean is implemented like this:

public int hashCode() {
    return value ? 1231 : 1237;

为什么使用 1231 和 1237?为什么不是别的?

Why does it use 1231 and 1237? Why not something else?


1231 和 1237 只是两个(足够大)任意素数.任何其他两个大素数都可以.

1231 and 1237 are just two (sufficiently large) arbitrary prime numbers. Any other two large prime numbers would do fine.

假设我们选择了合数(非素数),比如 1000 和 2000.当将布尔值插入哈希表时,true 和 false 将进入桶 1000 % N resp 2000 % N(其中N是桶的数量).

Why primes?
Suppose for a second that we picked composite numbers (non-primes), say 1000 and 2000. When inserting booleans into a hash table, true and false would go into bucket 1000 % N resp 2000 % N (where N is the number of buckets).


  • 1000 % 82000 % 8
  • 相同的桶
  • 1000 % 102000 % 10
  • 相同的桶
  • 1000 % 202000 % 20
  • 相同的桶
  • ....


这是因为 1000 的因式分解 (23, 53) 和 2000 的因式分解 (24, 53) 有很多共同因素.因此选择素数,因为它们不太可能与桶大小有任何共同因素.

This is because the factorization of 1000 (23, 53) and the factorization of 2000 (24, 53) have so many common factors. Thus prime numbers are chosen, since they are unlikely to have any common factors with the bucket size.


Why large primes. Wouldn't 2 and 3 do?
When computing hash codes for composite objects it's common to add the hash codes for the components. If too small values are used in a hash set with a large number of buckets there's a risk of ending up with an uneven distribution of objects.

地图可以包含布尔值和其他对象.此外,正如 Drunix 所指出的,创建复合对象散列函数的常用方法是重用子组件散列代码实现,在这种情况下,最好返回大素数.

Do collisions matter? Booleans just have two different values anyway?
Maps can contain booleans together with other objects. Also, as pointed out by Drunix, a common way to create hash functions of composite objects is to reuse the subcomponents hash code implementations in which case it's good to return large primes.


  • 为什么在 hashCode 中使用素数?
  • 什么是哈希码计算的明智素数?
  • 为什么Java的hashCode() 在 String 中使用 31 作为乘数?
