通过网络进行 Java 序列化

2022-01-19 00:00:00 serialization network-programming java


Just want to know if there's a tutorial or a how-to for serializing objects, putting them into a stream over network, and deserialize it on the other side. I understand the principles of serialization, I/O, streams, sockets, and so on, I just would like an example of a client sending an object to a server to start with.


This (pdf) 是一个有用的教程,它将引导您了解序列化和套接字的基础知识,然后将这两个概念联系在一起(大约在幻灯片的一半)以展示如何序列化对象并从客户端发送它到服务器(无 RMI).我想这正是你想要的.

This (pdf) is a useful tutorial which walks you through the basics of serialisation, and sockets, then ties the two concepts together (about halfway through the slides) to show how to serialise an object and send it from client to server (no RMI). I think that's precisely what you want.
