'IF' 语句中的 Java 布尔值不起作用

2022-01-19 00:00:00 if-statement boolean java statements

很遗憾,下面的代码片段无法正常运行.它附加到 JLabel 上,以便在单击时注意到 PlayerOne 或 PlayerTwo 是否正在播放,并相应地重新排列它们的布尔值

Unfortunately the snippet of code below is not functioning as it should. It's attached to a JLabel so that when clicked, notices whether PlayerOne or PlayerTwo is playing, and re-arranges their boolean values accordingly

[例如:当鼠标点击时:如果 playerOne 为 true,则做某事,将 playerOne 设置为 false,将 playerTwo 设置为 true].

[ex: When mouseClicked:If playerOne is true, then do something, and set playerOne to false and playerTwo to true].

所以,当 mouseClicked 被激活时,它会交换它们的值!

So, it swaps their values when mouseClicked is activated!

        public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) {
            if(playerOne = true){
                playerOne = false;
                playerTwo = true;
            } else { if(playerTwo = true){
                playerOne = true;
                playerTwo = false;




in java the operand to test equality between two items is == not '=' which is an assignment; an assignment returns the assigned value, so your :

if (playerOne = true)

将始终为真,因为 playerOne 将被分配给 true,然后 if 将变为 if (true),并且将始终执行关联的语句.

will always be true as playerOne will be assigned to true, then the if will become if (true) and the statement associated will always be executed.


the best way to refactor your code is:

    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent arg0) {
        if(playerOne) {
            playerOne = false;
            playerTwo = true;
        } else if(playerTwo) {
            playerOne = true;
            playerTwo = false;

因为 something == true 将是多余的.
