如何在 J2ME 中读取字符串?

2022-01-19 00:00:00 network-programming java java-me midp

我正在使用 MIDP 2.0 (JSR 118),我刚刚注意到 J2ME 中没有字符串阅读器.

I'm using the MIDP 2.0 (JSR 118) and I just noticed that there is no reader for strings in J2ME.

有谁知道您应该如何以独立于平台的方式(即在两个不同型号的启用 java 的手机之间)从 InputStreamInputStreamReader 读取字符串?

Does anyone know how you are supposed to read Strings from an InputStream or InputStreamReader in a platform independent way (i.e. between two java enabled cell phones of different models)?


或者看看 DataInputStream.readUTF().

确实需要对从 InputStream 读取的字符串进行适当编码(如相应的 DataOutputStream.writeUTF(String)) 所以它可能不是你要找的 -但它确实适用于不同的手机/型号等.

It does required that the string being read off the InputStream be encoded appropriately (as in by a corresponding DataOutputStream.writeUTF(String)) so it might not be what you're looking for - but it does work across different phones/models etc.
