
2022-01-19 00:00:00 networking network-programming java rmi

stub 在服务器端做了什么?什么是骨架?

What does stub do on the server side ? And what is a skeleton ?

这是来自维基百科的图表.我在服务器机器和客户端机器上都安装了 stub.我知道存根有助于客户端的网络,但存根在服务器端有什么作用?

This is a diagram from wikipedia. I installed stub both on the server machine and the client machine. I understand that stub helps in the networking on the client side but what does stub do on the server side ?


Also in the above figure what does skeleton mean ?



简而言之,stub 和 skeleton 是 Web 服务设置中的对应物.Skeleton 属于服务提供方stub 属于接收方.在较低级别的存根和骨架相互通信.

To be short,stub and skeleton are counterparts in a web service setup. Skeleton belongs to service provider side and stub belongs to receiver side. At lower level stub and skeleton communicate with each other.

从客户端,业务对象与存根对象进行通信,存根负责形成消息并调用 Web 服务.一旦调用完成,在服务提供者端,骨架是存根的并行对象,它接收请求消息并理解它并将信息传递给服务端业务对象.

From client side the business objects communicates with stub objects and stub takes the responsibility form the message and invoke the web service. Once the invoking is done, at service provider side, skeleton is the parallel object for stub and it receives the request message and understands it and passes on the information to service side business objects.
