
我是 java/grails 开发人员,致力于重新设计软件系统.

I am java / grails developer working on redesigning a software system.


One of the requirements is to have a sever-side application send data to various network printers to print text data.

我在网上搜索了有关 java 网络打印的信息,结果很短我查看了 Java Print Service API、java.awt.print、javax.print 并没有发现任何关于连接到网络打印机的信息.

I searched the web for info on java network printing, and came up short I looked into Java Print Service API, java.awt.print, javax.print and did not find anything on connecting to network printers.


Is what I am trying to do possible or favorable. The lack of findings leads me to believe that sever-side software does not interact with network printers directly.


If it can be done, please point me to some resources.


网络打印机的处理方式通常与本地连接的打印机没有区别;它们首先在操作系统中设置,这使得它们可用于 Java 打印服务.

Network printers are typically treated no differently from locally connected printers; they are set up in the OS first and this makes them available to the Java Print Service.

如果您需要直接打印到 POS 打印机,它们通常有自己的二进制协议,您可以通过 TCP/UDP 使用该协议.例如,爱普生有 ESC/POS 系统.

If you need to print directly to a POS printer, they usually have their own binary protocol that you can use over TCP/UDP. Epson has the ESC/POS system, for example.

根据打印服务器的不同,您可以通过 CUPS/LRP/LPD/IPP 将 PostScript 直接发送到打印机.请参阅 和

Depending on the print server, you may be able to send PostScript straight to the printer via CUPS/LRP/LPD/IPP. See and
