在 Java 中返回多个值

2022-01-19 00:00:00 function return java

我用 Java 编写了一个函数,我希望这个函数返回多个值.除了使用数组和结构体,有没有办法返回多个值?

I wrote a function in Java and I want this function to return multiple values. Except use of array and structure, is there a way to return multiple values?


String query40 = "SELECT Good_Name,Quantity,Price from Tbl1 where Good_ID="+x;
Cursor c = db.rawQuery(query, null);
if (c!= null && c.moveToFirst()) 
  GoodNameShow = c.getString(0);
  QuantityShow = c.getLong(1);
  GoodUnitPriceShow = c.getLong(2);
  return GoodNameShow,QuantityShow ,GoodUnitPriceShow ;



In Java, when you want a function to return multiple values, you must

  • 将这些值嵌入到您返回的对象中
  • 或更改传递给您的函数的对象

在您的情况下,您显然需要定义一个类 Show,它可以具有字段 namequantityprice:

In your case, you clearly need to define a class Show which could have fields name, quantity and price :

public class Show {
    private String name;
    private int price;
    // add other fields, constructor and accessors


 public  Show  test(){
      return new Show(GoodNameShow,QuantityShow ,GoodUnitPriceShow) ;
