此方法必须返回 boolean(Java) 类型的结果


boolean checkHit2() {
    if (cx < 0 || cx >= 640) {return true;}
    if (cy < ground[(int)cx]) {return false;}
    if (cx < blue + 15 && cx > blue - 15) {
        score = (int)score + 1;


What am I doing wrong? it gives me the error message "This method must return a result of type boolean". Please help.



"This method must return a result of type boolean"

意味着您的方法应该为每个案例返回boolean值.目前,如果您的 if 条件之一是 true,它将返回 boolean.如果你的 if 条件都不是 true 怎么办?在这种情况下,编译器将无法向方法的调用者返回任何内容.因此,无论条件是否满足,编译器都会告诉您为每种情况的方法添加一个 return 语句.您应该在方法末尾添加 return false.

Means your method should return the boolean value for every case. Currently it will return boolean if one of your if condition is true. What about if none of your if condition is true? In this case compiler will not be able to return anything to the caller of the method. So that compiler is telling you to add a return statement for method for every case no matter condition satisfy or not. You should add return false at the end of the method.
