Youtube 分析与谷歌服务帐号
目标:实现一个程序(java 或 python)来从我在我的 Youtube 频道上发布的视频中检索数据.该计划将每天(凌晨 1:00)启动.
Objectives: Implement a program (java or python) to retrieve data from videos that I published on my Youtube channel. This program will be launched daily (1:00 AM).
解决方案:要检索 Youtube 数据,包括每天的观看次数,我认为 YouTube Analytics API 是最好的解决方案.我使用 Google 帐户服务(GoogleCredential")对我进行身份验证:
Solutions: To retrieve data Youtube, including the number of views per day, YouTube Analytics API is in my opinion the best solution. I use the Google Account Service ("GoogleCredential") to authenticate me:
static {
// Build service account credential.
try {
// Create a listener for automatic refresh OAuthAccessToken
List<CredentialRefreshListener> list = new ArrayList<CredentialRefreshListener>();
list.add(new CredentialRefreshListener() {
public void onTokenResponse(Credential credential,
TokenResponse tokenResponse) throws IOException {
public void onTokenErrorResponse(Credential credential,
TokenErrorResponse tokenErrorResponse)
throws IOException {
System.err.println("Error: "
+ tokenErrorResponse.toPrettyString());
// Create a GoogleCredential for authenticate with ServiceAccount
// service
credential = new GoogleCredential.Builder()
new File("key.p12"))
} catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
然后我执行 Youtube Analytics 查询:
And I execute Youtube Analytics query:
YoutubeAnalytics youtubeAnalytics = new YoutubeAnalytics.Builder(HTTP_TRANSPORT, JSON_FACTORY, credential)
// Create request
YoutubeAnalyticsRequest<?> request = youtubeAnalytics.reports()
.query("channel==" + channelId, "2012-10-01", "2012-12-01", "views")
ResultTable first = (ResultTable) request.execute();
但我收到以下错误: 500 Internal Server Error
"code" : 500,
"errors" : [ {
"domain" : "global",
"message" : "Unknown error occurred on the server.",
"reason" : "internalError"
} ],
"message" : "Unknown error occurred on the server."
在发出 YouTube Analytics API 请求时,您不能使用服务帐户.您需要使用一个帐户,该帐户要么是 YouTube 频道的所有者,要么是与该频道关联的内容所有者,我不认为服务帐户可以是其中任何一种.请在以拥有 YouTube 频道的 Google 帐户的身份登录时完成一次 OAuth 2 流程,然后可以在将来重复使用保存的 OAuth 2 刷新令牌来获取可用于运行报告的新访问令牌.
You can't use a service account when making a YouTube Analytics API request. You need to use an account that is either the owner of the YouTube channel or a content owner associated with the channel, and I don't believe a service account can be either of those things. Please go through the OAuth 2 flow once while signed in as the Google Account that owns the YouTube channel, and the saved OAuth 2 refresh token could then be used repeatedly in the future to get fresh access tokens which can be used to run reports.
Could you please resolve that issue and then try running your report again?