Youtube API v3 搜索视频、检索标题和 url

如何搜索 youtube-movies 并从中获取 id/url 和标题?是将它们添加到 Android 应用程序中的 BaseAdapter 类中.

How can you search for youtube-movies and get the id/url and the title from it? It's to add them to a BaseAdapter-class in an Android Application.

在 API 的第二个版本中,可以:

In the second version of the API, it was possible:


你需要做 search->list 并获取 id,然后将这些 id 插入 videos->list 检索详细信息.

You need to do search->list and get ids, then plug in those ids into videos->list to retrieve details.

我建议您尝试 API 浏览器 来理解这些功能.它们也与文档内联.

I suggest you to try API explorer to understand those functionalities. They are inline with documents too.

YouTube Direct Lite 项目是一个很好的入门项目.在开始之前一定要阅读 README.

YouTube Direct Lite project is a good one to get you started. Definitely read README before starting.
