部署时出现 502 代理错误

2022-01-19 00:00:00 frontend ajax java tomcat

我现在正在开发一个 Java Web 项目.它在使用 eclipse 和 Tomcat 的本地主机上运行良好.但是当我将war文件部署到远程服务器(也是tomcat)时,前端的一个函数返回502代理错误.

I am now working on a Java web project. It works well in local host using eclipse and Tomcat. But when I deploy the war file to remote server (which is also tomcat), one function at front end return 502 proxy error.

该函数请求我部署的服务器,该服务器将进一步请求另一个远程服务器.整个过程大约需要 2 分钟.我还检查了部署日志.除了返回前端,服务器似乎运行良好.

The function requests the server that I deployed and the server will further request another remote server. The whole process will take around 2 minutes. I also check the deployment log. It seems that the server is working well except for returning to front end.


Does anyone have similar problem before?



I just solve the problem by myself. Increasing the proxy timeout works.
