Java:如何使用 switch 语句

如何比较 Java 中的字符串?

我无法理解如何使用 Java switch 语句.在其中一个 case 语句中执行方法后,它仍然会转到默认语句并运行它.代码如下:

I am having trouble understanding how to use a Java switch statement. After executing a method in one of the case statements, it still then goes to the default statement and runs that too. Here's the code:

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
String option = null;

while (option != "5") {
    option = scanner.nextLine();
    switch (option) {
        case "1": ViewAllProducts(); break;
        case "2": ViewProductDetails(scanner); break;
        case "3": DeleteProduct(scanner); break;
        case "4": AddProduct(scanner); break;
        case "5": break;
        default: System.out.println("Invalid option. Please try again."); break;


The above code is in the main method. After running case "4" for example, it prints "Invalid option."



I am modifying your code to re-initialize your scanner reference before reading new option..

    Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
    String option = null;

    option = scanner.nextLine();

    while (!"5".equals(option)) {
        switch (option) {
            case "1": ViewAllProducts(); break;
            case "2": ViewProductDetails(scanner); break;
            case "3": DeleteProduct(scanner); break;
            case "4": AddProduct(scanner); break;
            case "5": break;
            default: System.out.println("Invalid option. Please try again..."); break;
        scanner = new Scanner(;  // Add this here

        option = scanner.nextLine();    // Use brand new scanner without any problem..


Rest, you can read from the link I provided, to know the difference between various methods for reading user input..
