使用 JAXB 解组/编组列表<字符串>

2022-01-19 00:00:00 rest java jaxb

我正在尝试创建一个非常简单的 REST 服务器.我只有一个返回字符串列表的测试方法.代码如下:

<上一页><代码>@得到@Path("/test2")公共列表 test2(){列表列表=新向量();list.add("a");list.add("b");返回列表;}


<上一页>SEVERE:Java 类型的消息体编写器,java.util.Vector 类和 MIME 媒体类型,应用程序/八位字节流,未找到

我希望 JAXB 对 String、Integer 等简单类型有一个默认设置.我猜没有.这是我的想象:




我使用了@LiorH 的示例并将其扩展为:

<上一页><代码>@XmlRootElement(name="列表")公共类 JaxbList{受保护的列表列表;公共 JaxbList(){}公共JaxbList(列表列表){这个.list=列表;}@XmlElement(name="项目")公共列表 getList(){返回列表;}}

请注意,它使用泛型,因此您可以将它与 String 之外的其他类一起使用.现在,应用程序代码很简单:

<上一页><代码>@得到@Path("/test2")公共 JaxbList test2(){列表列表=新向量();list.add("a");list.add("b");返回新的 JaxbList(list);}

为什么 JAXB 包中不存在这个简单的类?有人在其他地方看到过类似的东西吗?

I'm trying to create a very simple REST server. I just have a test method that will return a List of Strings. Here's the code:

public List test2(){
    List list=new Vector();
    return list;

It gives the following error:

SEVERE: A message body writer for Java type,
class java.util.Vector, and MIME media type,
application/octet-stream, was not found

I was hoping JAXB had a default setting for simple types like String, Integer, etc. I guess not. Here's what I imagined:


What's the easiest way to make this method work?


I used @LiorH's example and expanded it to:

public class JaxbList<T>{
    protected List<T> list;

    public JaxbList(){}

    public JaxbList(List<T> list){

    public List<T> getList(){
        return list;

Note, that it uses generics so you can use it with other classes than String. Now, the application code is simply:

    public JaxbList test2(){
        List list=new Vector();
        return new JaxbList(list);

Why doesn't this simple class exist in the JAXB package? Anyone see anything like it elsewhere?
