是否可以在单独的 war 文件中创建可动态插入的 GWT 小部件/portlet?

2022-01-18 00:00:00 widget gwt java portlet portal

是否可以在 GWT 中创建可以动态加载并添加到 GWT Web 应用程序的小部件/portlet,以及 GWT 小部件可以驻留在单独的 war 文件中的位置?

Is it possible to create widgets / portlets in GWT that can be dynamically loaded and added to a GWT web application, and where the GWT widgets can reside in a separate war files?

为了澄清我的问题:符合 JSR168/JSR286 的门户可以在单独的项目(war 文件)中创建 portlet 并将它们动态加载到门户页面中.假设您想在 GWT 应用程序中做类似的事情.因此,假设我们为 GUI 创建了一个仅使用 GWT(没有 JSP 等)的门户,并且我们想要动态添加一个用纯 GWT 编写的portlet".这可能吗?

To clarify my question: JSR168/JSR286 compliant portals make it possible to create portlets in separate projects (war files) and to dynamically load these into a portal page. Suppose you want to do something similar in a GWT application. So suppose we made a portal using only GWT for the GUI (no JSP or alike) and we want to dynamically add a "portlet" written in pure GWT. Would that be possible?

我可以想象它可以使用 IFrame 来完成,但如果这样的 GWT 小部件/portlet 完全成为 GWT 主机门户"应用程序的一部分并共享它的样式表和其他资源,那就更好了.

I can imagine that it could be done using an IFrame, but it would be nicer if such a GWT widget/portlet would be fully part of the GWT host "portal" application and share it's style sheets and other resources.


我认为GWT portlet"只不过是您自己编写的一个小部件(并且可能实现了一个通用接口).

I'd imagine that a "GWT portlet" is nothing more than a widget that you write yourself (and perhaps implements a common interface).

困难的部分是动态地允许预编译的 gwt 应用程序包含另一个 gwt 组件(在本例中为 portlet),而无需再次使用源代码进行编译(这似乎是问题所暗示的).

The hard part is to dynamically allow a precompiled gwt app to include another gwt component (the portlet in this case) without compiling again with the source (which is what the question seems to imply).
