
2022-01-18 00:00:00 initialization static java


When are static fields initialized? If I never instantiate a class, but I access a static field, are ALL the static blocks and private static methods used to instantiate private static fields called (in order) at that instant?


What if I call a static method? Does it also run all the static blocks? Before the method?



A class's static initialization normally happens immediately before the first time one of the following events occur:

  • 创建了一个类的实例,
  • 调用类的静态方法,
  • 分配了一个类的静态字段,
  • 使用了非常量的静态字段,或者
  • 对于顶级类,执行词法嵌套在类中的断言语句1.

请参阅 JLS 12.4.1.

也可以通过使用 Class.forName(fqn, true, classLoader) 或缩写形式 Class.forName(fqn)

It is also possible to force a class to initialize (if it hasn't already initialized) by using Class.forName(fqn, true, classLoader) or the short form Class.forName(fqn)

1 - 最后一个要点出现在 Java 6 到 Java 8 的 JLS 中,但这显然是规范中的一个错误.它最终在 Java 9 JLS 中得到纠正:参见 source.
