Spring Data Mongo:如何按其字段返回嵌套对象?


class Company {
    List<Job> jobs;


Is there a way to return nested object from collection like:

public interface CompanyRepository extends MongoRepository<Company, String>{
    Job findByJobId(String jobId);


我必须对你的 Job 模型的结构做一些假设,但是假设是这样的:

I have to make some assumptions about the structure of your Job model, but assuming something like this:

public class Job {
    private String id;
    // other attributes and methods

... 并假设此模型嵌入在您的 Company 模型中,而不是在另一个集合中表示,您将不得不通过 MongoTemplate 路径进行自定义实现.Spring Data 查询 API 将无法弄清楚如何获取您想要的内容,因此您必须自己实现该方法.

... and assuming that this model is embedded in your Company model, and not represented in another collection, you will have to go the custom implementation via MongoTemplate route. The Spring Data query API is not going to be able to figure out how to get what you want, so you must implement the method yourself.

public interface CompanyRepository extends CompanyOperations, MongoRepository<Company, String>{

public interface CompanyOperations {
    Job findByJobId(String jobId);

public class CompanyRepositoryImpl implements CompanyOperations {
    @Autowired private MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;

    public Job findByJobId(String jobId){
        Company company = mongoTemplate.findOne(new Query(Criteria.where("jobs.id").is(jobId)), Company.class);
        return company.getJobById(jobId); //implement this method in `Company` and save yourself some trouble.
