修改 Spring Data REST 投影后面生成的 SQL 查询

如何在 SELECT 中只保留 Spring Data Rest Projections 所需的列?

EDIT : How to Keep only needed columns in SELECT for Spring Data Rest Projections?

Spring Data Rest Projections 非常适合获取生成的链接的列子集,但在后面生成的查询仍然包含所有列.

Spring Data Rest Projections are good for getting a subset of columns for links which are generated, but the Query that gets generated in behind still has all columns in it.

在 SQL 查询也只有 SELECT 中的那些列在 Projection 中的情况下,如何创建 Projections

How can Projections be created where also SQL queries have only those columns in SELECT which are in Projection


我不知道为什么文档中缺少它,但是这个 spring 示例(来自 spring)显示您可以使用投影作为 @ 的返回类型询问.所以你可以这样做:

I don't know why it's missing from the docs, but this spring sample (from spring) shows that you can use projections as the return type for a @Query. So you can do:

public interface ActionId {
    String getId(); 

@Query("select a.id as id from Action a where a.type = :type")
public List<ActionId> findByType(@Param("type") String type);

现在不必使用构造函数表达式,您可以更简洁地选择所需的列,然后返回一个对象.我希望可以将投影应用于域对象本身,因此您仍然可以仅返回 id 字段的Action",但现在看来不可能-

Now instead of having to use constructor expressions, you can more succinctly just select the columns you want, and return an object. I wish that projections could be applied to the domain object itself, so you could still return an "Action" with just the id field, but that doesn't look possible now-

