Spring Data JPA - 如何仅使用月份和日期从日期列中获取数据?

2022-01-18 00:00:00 spring java jpa spring-data spring-data-jpa

我有一个使用 mysql 的简单 Spring Data JPA 项目,我需要获取与日期和月份匹配的所有寄存器.我需要过滤的列是日期时间类型.

I have a simple Spring Data JPA project working with mysql and I need to fetch all registers that match the day and month. The column I need to filter is type Datetime.

1935-12-08 00:00:00


If I want to do this in a db level it works fine:

SELECT * FROM my_database.event where event_date LIKE '%-12-08%';


It treats the date as a string. Now I need to do this in my repository yet nothing seems to work. I tried the basic one:

List<Event> findByEventDateLike(
        @Param("eventDate") Date eventDate);

但它说它返回一个非法参数异常,因为它是一个 Date 对象.我尝试了其他组合,但显然 spring data jpa 无法将日期与部分信息进行比较.

but it says it returns an illegal argument exception since it is a Date object. I tried other combinations but apparently spring data jpa can't compare dates with partial information.

注意:为了保持简洁,我尽量避免使用@Query 语句,但如果这是唯一的方法,那么它是一个有效的答案.

NOTE: To keep it clean I'm trying to avoid @Query sentences but if it is the only way to go, it is a valid answer.



使用 nativeQuery 模拟数据库中的查询.

Use nativeQuery to emulate the query in the Database.

@Query(value = "SELECT * FROM events WHERE event_date Like %?1%", nativeQuery = true)
List<Match> findByMatchMonthAndMatchDay(@Param ("eventDate") String eventDate);

数据库负责 LIKE 子句的日期/字符串之间的转换.

The DB takes care of the conversion between Date/String for the LIKE clause.


Passing the param as "-month-day" (e.g.: -12-08) will return a collection of events with that string in the date field.
